Everything a pole dancer/aerialist could need under one roof! (or online)

Injury diagnosis and treatment

Chiropractic care tailored for all pole and aerial-related injuries, including but not limited to sprains and strains, shoulder, hamstring, hip, wrist, back, and neck issues. This service may include dry needling, soft tissue work, and rehab exercises.

Hanging and shoulder engagement analysis and coaching

Precise muscle usage and engagement analysis, coupled with cueing, drills, and strengthening exercises to get you using the right muscles in the most efficient way

Personal training and strength and conditioning

Nailing your pole and aerials moves isn’t all about what happens on your apparatus. In fact, cross training is the best way to get strong whilst also ensuring you remain injury free. Our personal training and strength and conditioning classes and one on one sessions are all individualised to your body and your personal goals.

Remedial Massage

Our expert therapist provides assessment, treatment, and rehabilitation for a variety of musculoskeletal pain and conditions, including but not limited to all those pole specific injuries such as shoulder pain and hamstring strains.

Injury prevention screenings specific to overhead athletes

Specialised screening, assessment, and exercise prescription tailored to your discipline, including treatment if needed.

Flexibility screening and plans

Targeted assessment, education and customised exercise prescription to safely enhance flexibility. This will help you with all those amazing active aerial split moves and epic tricks.

POLElatés: Pilates designed for Pole Dancers and Aerialists

Immerse yourself in Pilates designed for your unique needs, enhancing body awareness, precision of movement & fluidity, whilst gaining strength and flexibility in your end range. These private sessions are personalised to your body and your personal goals.

Online personalised programming

Personalised online programming with regular check-ins and a goal-specific plan. Tailored to trick, body area, flexibility, or cross-training goals, the exercises and warm-up videos are delivered weekly/fortnightly through our app, considering your session frequency, available equipment, and progress.

An instructor helping a pole student at The Chiro Co

Pole dancer doing a static V